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  • Tautulli Plex Monitoring


    Tautulli will be installed to /opt/Tautulli.

    • Open a terminal
    • Install Git


    sudo apt-get install git-core


    sudo yum install git
    • Install prerequisites:
    • Ubuntu/Debian: 
      sudo apt-get install python python-setuptools tzdata
    • Fedora: 
      sudo yum install python python2-setuptools


    • Type: 
      cd /opt


    • Type: 
      sudo git clone https://github.com/Tautulli/Tautulli.git


    • Optional:
      • Ubuntu/Debian: 
        sudo addgroup tautulli && sudo adduser --system --no-create-home tautulli --ingroup tautulli


      • CentOS/Fedora: 
        sudo adduser --system --no-create-home tautulli


      • sudo chown tautulli:tautulli -R /opt/Tautulli


    • Type: 
      cd Tautulli


    • to start Tautulli
    • Type: 
      python Tautulli.py
    • Tautulli will be loaded in your browser or listening on http://localhost:8181
    • To run Tautulli in the background on startup:
    # Tautulli - Stats for Plex Media Server usage
    # Service Unit file for systemd system manager
    #   1. Copy this file into your systemd service unit directory (often '/lib/systemd/system')
    #      and name it 'tautulli.service' with the following command:
    #       sudo cp /opt/Tautulli/init-scripts/init.systemd /lib/systemd/system/tautulli.service
    #   2. Edit the new tautulli.service file with configuration settings as required.
    #      More details in the "CONFIGURATION NOTES" section shown below.
    #   3. Enable boot-time autostart with the following commands:
    #       sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    #       sudo systemctl enable tautulli.service
    #   4. Start now with the following command:
    #       sudo systemctl start tautulli.service
    #    - The example settings in this file assume that you will run Tautulli as user: tautulli
    #    - The example settings in this file assume that Tautulli is installed to: /opt/Tautulli
    #    - To create this user and give it ownership of the Tautulli directory:
    #       Ubuntu/Debian: sudo addgroup tautulli && sudo adduser --system --no-create-home tautulli --ingroup tautulli
    #       CentOS/Fedora: sudo adduser --system --no-create-home tautulli
    #       sudo chown tautulli:tautulli -R /opt/Tautulli
    #    - Adjust ExecStart= to point to:
    #       1. Your Tautulli executable
    #          - Default: /opt/Tautulli/Tautulli.py
    #       2. Your config file (recommended is to put it somewhere in /etc)
    #          - Default: --config /opt/Tautulli/config.ini
    #       3. Your datadir (recommended is to NOT put it in your Tautulli exec dir)
    #          - Default: --datadir /opt/Tautulli
    #    - Adjust User= and Group= to the user/group you want Tautulli to run as.
    #    - WantedBy= specifies which target (i.e. runlevel) to start Tautulli for.
    #       multi-user.target equates to runlevel 3 (multi-user text mode)
    #       graphical.target  equates to runlevel 5 (multi-user X11 graphical mode)
    Description=Tautulli - Stats for Plex Media Server usage
    ExecStart=/opt/Tautulli/Tautulli.py --config /opt/Tautulli/config.ini --datadir /opt/Tautulli --quiet --daemon --nolaunch


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